Pentaho Tools :

Pentaho C-Tools(CDE,CDF,CDA),Pentaho CE & EE Server,OLAP-Cubes,Analysis using Pivot4J, Saiku Analytics, Saiku Reporting, Ad-hoc Reporting using Interactive Reporting Tool,Dashboards,Reports using PRD, PDD,Data Integration using Kettle ETL,Data Mining usign WEKA,Integration of Servers with Databases,Mobile/iPad compatible Dashboards using Bootstrap Css,Drilldown dashboards,Interactive Dashboards

Friday 31 October 2014

Tip : Tree Map Example : Display colors of groups based on condition.

function f() {
    var colorScale;

    var cd = this.chartDefinition;
    cd.legend = false;

    cd.leaf_fillStyle = function(scene) {
        if(!colorScale) {
            colorScale = pv.ramp('red', 'blue');
            var extent ='size').extent();
                colorScale.domain(extent.min.value, extent.max.value);
        // Is colorScale created ?
    if(!colorScale) {
        colorScale = pv.Scale.linear().range("red", "black", "blue","#708090");
        var extent ='size').extent();
        if(extent) {
            var min  = extent.min.value;
            var b=500;
            var c=1000;
            var max = extent.max.value;

            //colorScale.domain(min, (min + max) / 2, max);
        var size = scene.getSize();
        return colorScale(size);

Wednesday 29 October 2014

Fill Colour of bar(s) based on a condition in Pentaho CDE

This post will talk about conditional colours of bars with below like scenarios.

Sample Scenario : 
Print bar color as red when bar value <=2000
Print bar color as green when bar value >2000 and <10000
Print bar color as black when bar value>=10000

Scenario 2 : 
When representing -Ve values on charts .. this kind of representation is preferable. 

Code is Taken from Reference links :

function changeBars(){
var cccOptions = this.chartDefinition;

// For changing extension points, a little more work is required:
var eps = Dashboards.propertiesArrayToObject(cccOptions.extensionPoints);

// add extension points:
eps.bar_fillStyle = function getColor(){
var val = this.scene.vars.value.value;

if(val > 0 && val <= 5000){
return 'red';
else if(val > 5000 && val <= 50000){
return 'green';
return 'black';

// Serialize back eps into cccOptions
cccOptions.extensionPoints = Dashboards.objectToPropertiesArray(eps);

NOTE : I have tried directly in Extension points but it did not work. 

Sample output 1 : 
Sample output 2 : 

function changeBars(){
var cccOptions = this.chartDefinition;

// For changing extension points, a little more work is required:
var eps = Dashboards.propertiesArrayToObject(cccOptions.extensionPoints);

// add extension points:
eps.bar_fillStyle = function getColor(){
var val = this.scene.vars.value.value;

if(val == 26297.2900){
return 'black';
return 'blue';

// Serialize back eps into cccOptions
cccOptions.extensionPoints = Dashboards.objectToPropertiesArray(eps);

References :



Wednesday 22 October 2014

Heat Grid chart basic example in Pentaho CDE - updatable post

Happy Diwali 2014 22nd Oct :-)

Here is a sample work out on Heat Grid Chart....

Version: 14.10.15 stable CDE,CDF,CDA,CGG
Query: A simple query which runs on postgreSQL

What is Heatgrid ? 
A heat-grid is a colored matrix that displays a two-dimensional data-set. The intensity or the color of each cell depends on the value that it represents.

Layout section :
Row->Column->Bootstrap Panel

Components section:
Charts ->CCC Heat Grid Chart

Data Source:
query :
select 'f1' as Category, CAST ('12110' AS INTEGER)  as Series1,CAST (0 AS INTEGER) as Series2,CAST ('6312' AS INTEGER) as Series3,CAST ('18' AS INTEGER) as Series4
select 'f2' as Category,CAST ('5430' AS INTEGER)  as Series1,CAST ('1019' AS INTEGER) as Series2,CAST ('9205' AS INTEGER) as Series3,CAST ('1512' AS INTEGER) as Series4
select 'f3' as Category,CAST ('312' AS INTEGER)  as Series1,CAST ('5000' AS INTEGER) as Series2,CAST ('15444' AS INTEGER) as Series3,CAST ('7215' AS INTEGER) as Series4
select 'f3' as Category,CAST ('1278' AS INTEGER)  as Series1,CAST ('2165' AS INTEGER) as Series2,CAST ('5264' AS INTEGER) as Series3,CAST ('1040' AS INTEGER) as Series4
select 'f3' as Category,CAST (0 AS INTEGER)  as Series1,CAST ('209' AS INTEGER) as Series2,CAST ('3694' AS INTEGER) as Series3,CAST ('1257' AS INTEGER) as Series4

Sample output of the query:

category    series1    series2    series3    series4
f2                 5430        1019         9205         1512
f3                 312          5000         15444       7215
f3                 1278        2165         5264         1040
f1                12110         0             6312         18
f3                 0               209          3694          1257

To make the chart click-able you need to write below code extracted from site

 clickable:   true

        alert('series = "'   + scene.getSeries() +
            '", category = ' + scene.getCategory() +
            '", color = '    + scene.getColor());

colour will give you the value of cell in Heat grid matrix.  

Test with Max and Min colour OR give colour codes in colour properties :-)

Sample output

Example Download Link :  Click Me

Documentation of CCC Heatgrid




What next ?
1) Drill down on Heatgrid chart ?(With in the same page)
2) Dynamic